Colombia: destino migratorio
Colombia: migratory destination


If you are a foreigner and you are going to work or carry out an activity in Colombia, you must:

Obtain the corresponding work visa, which allows you to perform your profession, occupation, work activity or trade in the country.

To exercise the regulated profession or activity established in the visa, you must comply with the same requirements required for Colombian nationals enshrined in current regulations and accredit the respective documents such as the homologation or validation of titles, the provisional permit or license, registration, professional card or proof of experience issued by the Professional Councils or competent authority as appropriate.


Labor migration has become a topic of global interest.

"OIT global estimates on migrant workers" of the International Labor Organization (ILO, 2015) estimated that there are around 232 million migrants in the world, of whom 150 million are migrant workers: 65 percent of the total.

Labor migration is a complex phenomenon that presents challenges and opportunities that, if well managed, can maintain and often increase the economic growth of the countries of destination and reduce poverty in the countries of origin.


SIRE - Information System for the Report of Foreigners

Through this system, you have access to perform online registration, linking, hiring, employment, admission, enrollment, separation, retirement, income, accommodation and hospitality, emergency medical care and performing artistic, cultural or sports within the national territory, related to foreigners, individuals or legal entities that enter or remain in the country.


The majority of population movements in all geographic regions of the world, is due to the search for better living conditions, new job opportunities, investments, creation of new businesses, study, participation in special events, medical treatment, journalistic coverage , volunteer activities, academic exchanges, or simply, with the purpose of meeting with family, friends or to escape situations, and explore other forms of life.

We invite you to perform the required migratory processes required, according to the intentions you may have to visit our Colombian territory.

Families and individuals with expectations of staying in Colombia, trust the management of their migration in our experience

What do we do

We carry out integral management for the obtaining of your Visa according to class and category, obtaining immigration card. We advise your projects to establish in Colombia in investment activities in different sectors of the economy.

Bogotá D.C. Servicios de migración y Visa en Colombia. Migration and Visa services in Colombia

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